Feel the ground shake / Dig these veggies

A tent filled with yellow-clad rescue workers in Hualien, Taiwan, after the earthquake April 3, 2024
Image: Shufu Lin, Office of the President [CC BY 2.0]

Today: Brian Hioe, Taipei-based editor, translator, activist, DJ, and co-founder of New Bloom; and Laurie Woolever, author of Appetites, World Travel, and Bourdain: the Definitive Oral Biography.

Issue No. 51

The Most Dangerous Place on Earth: Earthquake Edition
Brian Hioe

Carrots Seven Ways
Laurie Woolever

The Most Dangerous Place on Earth: Earthquake Edition

by Brian Hioe

Taiwan was hit by the largest earthquake in 25 years the other day. I woke up, noticed that the floor was shaking, and tried to go back to bed. This earthquake was going on unusually long, I thought. Then I heard the sound of something clattering in the kitchen. Okay–earthquakes are quite frequent in Taiwan, but the sound of my coffee machine falling off the table in my kitchen–that wasn't normal.

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