Subtle signals / Blaring warnings

Ana Marie Cox is lying down and Trevor Alixopulos is sleuthing
SCHOOL SPY GAME: a dad looks askance at his young son who is wearing shades and a fedora

Today: Trevor Alixopulos, comics artist and author of The Hot Breath of War; and Ana Marie Cox, columnist at The New Republic and MSNBC and co-host of Space the Nation.

Issue No. 184

School Spy Game
Trevor Alixopulos

All Curled Up
Ana Marie Cox

School Spy Game

by Trevor Alixopulos

Dad looks askance at young son, who is wearing a black fedora and shades: "Fall presents parents of young children with a knotty intelligence question: What is my child doing all day?"
Back to school night is like a pro forma briefing from some embassy deputy. [Teacher, arms raised, explaining to parents, nods sagely]: "Mornings we do Fundations then Wigwamps."
You try to fill in the blanks with some human intelligence. [Father asks little son, who is nonchalantly reading]: "What did you do today?" Son: "nothing"
Sometimes, inferences can be drawn, connections made. [Father at the wheel, son in car seat]: Son: "♫♬ Paw Patrol! paw patrol! never get in trou-ble (some times) ♫♬" Dad: "So, you guys are watching Paw Patrol in class?"
Careful questioning can bypass their security, reveal vital intel. Father, walking with son on tiny scooter: "Was... everybody happy today" Son: "Chase ated paper and pencils and tea and coffee and then some people cried" Father: "Did you cry?" Son: "may be"

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